How to transplant iPhone battery cells to fix pop-up problems?


Transplanting iPhone battery cells is a complex process that requires professional skills and experience. If you are not familiar with the operation, it is better not to try it easily to avoid damaging the phone or injuring yourself.

If you have experience and plan to transplant battery cells, here are some basic steps:

  1. Purchase a new set of iPhone battery cells that are compatible with your phone.
  2. Remove the old battery cells from the iPhone using appropriate tools.
  3. Extract the new battery cells from their packaging and prepare them for installation.
  4. Use a spot-welding machine to connect the new battery cells to the existing battery circuit board.
  5. Test the newly installed battery cells to ensure that they are properly connected and functioning correctly.
  6. Reassemble the phone and test it to confirm that the pop-up problem has been resolved.

Or,you can check this video from our Facebook page of how to change iPhone 11 battery cell

Note that transplanting battery cells requires a high level of technical expertise and should only be attempted by individuals with the necessary knowledge and experience. If you are unsure of how to proceed or do not feel comfortable performing the procedure yourself, it is recommended that you seek the assistance of a professional repair technician.


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